PHP Basit Üyelik Sistemi


Çalışkan Üye
10 Mar 2018
Merhaba arkadaşlar. Sözü fazla uzatmayacağım. PHP ile yazdığım basit üyelik sistemini sizinle paylaşıyorum. Herhangi bir HTML temayı kolaylıkla entegre edip kullanabilirsiniz. 1-2 Hatası var kullanıma engel olmuyor şuan. Vaktim olduğunda o hataları düzeltip konuyu güncelleyeceğim.

Aşağıda vereceğim dosya isimlerini ve içeriklerini bir klasör içine doldurararak sitenize atarsanız sorunsuz bir şekilde çalışacaktır.


# Yönlendirmeleri aktif eder 
RewriteEngine on 
# Yeni bir yönlendirme kuralı ekliyoruz 

RewriteRule ^$  index.php [L,QSA] 
RewriteRule ^ana-sayfa$  index.php [L,QSA] 
RewriteRule ^giris-yap$  giris.php [L,QSA] 
RewriteRule ^kayit-ol$  kayit.php [L,QSA] 
RewriteRule ^cikis-yap$  cikis.php [L,QSA] 
RewriteRule ^hesap-ayarlari$  hesap-ayarlari.php [L,QSA]

namespace Erbilen\Database; 

class BasicDB extends \PDO 

     * Built SQL Query 
     * @var 
    private $sql; 

     * Table Name 
     * @var 
    private $tableName; 

     * Condittions 
     * @var 
    private $where; 

     * Join Rules 
     * @var 
    private $join; 

     * OrderBy Value 
     * @var 
    private $orderBy; 

     * GroupBy Value 
     * @var 
    private $groupBy; 

     * Limit Value 
     * @var 
    private $limit; 

     * $_GET[] parameter 
     * @var 
    private $page; 

     * Row Count 
     * @var 
    private $totalRecord; 

     * Page Count 
     * @var 
    private $pageCount; 

     * Pagination Limit 
     * @var 
    private $paginationLimit; 

     * HTML generated 
     * @var 
    private $html; 

     * BasicDB Constructor 
     * @param 
     *            $host 
     * @param 
     *            $dbname 
     * @param 
     *            $username 
     * @param 
     *            $password 
     * @param string $charset             
    public function __construct($host, $dbname, $username, $password, $charset = 'utf8') 
        parent::__construct('mysql:host=' . $host . ';dbname=' . $dbname, $username, $password); 
        $this->query('SET CHARACTER SET ' . $charset); 
        $this->query('SET NAMES ' . $charset); 

     * Defines select table operation in sql query 
     * @param 
     *            $tableName 
     * @return $this 
    public function select($tableName) 
        $this->sql = 'SELECT * FROM `' . $tableName . '`'; 
        $this->tableName = $tableName; 
        return $this; 

     * Defines select row operation in sql query 
     * @param 
     *            $from 
     * @return $this 
    public function from($from) 
        $this->sql = str_replace('*', $from, $this->sql); 
        return $this; 

     * WHERE value at SQL query 
     * @param 
     *            $column 
     * @param 
     *            $value 
     * @param string $mark             
     * @param bool $filter             
     * @return $this 
    public function where($column, $value = '', $mark = '=', $logical = '&&') 
        $this->where[] = array( 
        return $this; 

     * Defines -or where- operation in sql query 
     * @param 
     *            $column 
     * @param 
     *            $value 
     * @param 
     *            $mark 
     * @return $this 
    public function or_where($column, $value, $mark = '=') 
        $this->where($column, $value, $mark, '||'); 
        return $this; 

     * Defines -join- operation in sql query 
     * @param 
     *            $targetTable 
     * @param 
     *            $joinSql 
     * @param string $joinType             
     * @return $this 
    public function join($targetTable, $joinSql, $joinType = 'inner') 
        $this->join[] = ' ' . strtoupper($joinType) . ' JOIN ' . $targetTable . ' ON ' . sprintf($joinSql, $targetTable, $this->tableName); 
        return $this; 

     * Defines -orderby- operation in sql query 
     * @param 
     *            $columnName 
     * @param string $sort             
    public function orderby($columnName, $sort = 'ASC') 
        $this->orderBy = ' ORDER BY ' . $columnName . ' ' . strtoupper($sort); 
        return $this; 

     * Defines -groupby- operation in sql query 
     * @param 
     *            $columnName 
     * @return $this 
    public function groupby($columnName) 
        $this->groupBy = ' GROUP BY ' . $columnName; 
        return $this; 

     * Defines -limit- operation in sql query 
     * @param 
     *            $start 
     * @param 
     *            $limit 
     * @return $this 
    public function limit($start, $limit) 
        $this->limit = ' LIMIT ' . $start . ',' . $limit; 
        return $this; 

     * Used for running Insert/Update/Select operations. 
     * @param bool $single             
     * @return array|mixed 
    public function run($single = false) 
        if ($this->join) { 
            $this->sql .= implode(' ', $this->join); 
            $this->join = null; 
        if ($this->groupBy) { 
            $this->sql .= $this->groupBy; 
            $this->groupBy = null; 
        if ($this->orderBy) { 
            $this->sql .= $this->orderBy; 
            $this->orderBy = null; 
        if ($this->limit) { 
            $this->sql .= $this->limit; 
            $this->limit = null; 
        $query = $this->query($this->sql); 
        if ($single){ 
            return $query->fetch(parent::FETCH_ASSOC); 
            return $query->fetchAll(parent::FETCH_ASSOC); 

     * Runs where operation at query running. 
    private function get_where() 
        if (is_array($this->where) && count($this->where) > 0) { 
            $this->sql .= ' WHERE '; 
            $where = array(); 
            foreach ($this->where as $key => $arg) { 
                if (strstr($arg[1], 'FIND_IN_SET')) { 
                    $where[] = ($key > 0 ? $arg[3] : null) . $arg[1]; 
                } else { 
                    $where[] = ($key > 0 ? $arg[3] : null) . ' `' . $arg[0] . '` ' . strtoupper($arg[2]) . ' ' . (strstr($arg[2], 'IN') ? '(' : '"') . $arg[1] . (strstr($arg[2], 'IN') ? ')' : '"'); 
            $this->sql .= implode(' ', $where); 
            $this->where = null; 

     * Used for insert operation 
     * @param 
     *            $tableName 
     * @return $this 
    public function insert($tableName) 
        $this->sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $tableName; 
        return $this; 

     * Used for setting data at insert operation. 
     * @param 
     *            $columns 
     * @return bool 
    public function set($columns) 
        $val = array(); 
        $col = array(); 
        foreach ($columns as $column => $value) { 
            $val[] = $value; 
            $col[] = $column . ' = ? '; 
        $this->sql .= ' SET ' . implode(', ', $col); 
        $query = $this->prepare($this->sql); 
        $result = $query->execute($val); 
        return $result; 

     * Returns last added Id. 
     * @return string 
    public function lastId() 
        return $this->lastInsertId(); 

     * Used for update operation. 
     * @param 
     *            $columnName 
     * @return $this 
    public function update($columnName) 
        $this->sql = 'UPDATE ' . $columnName; 
        return $this; 

     * Used for Delete operation 
     * @param 
     *            $columnName 
     * @return $this 
    public function delete($columnName) 
        $this->sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $columnName; 
        return $this; 

     * Used to complete delete operation. 
     * @return int 
    public function done() 
        $query = $this->exec($this->sql); 
        return $query; 

     * Returns total result with -total- table name. 
     * @return mixed 
    public function total() 
        if ($this->join) { 
            $this->sql .= implode(' ', $this->join); 
            $this->join = null; 
        if ($this->orderBy) { 
            $this->sql .= $this->orderBy; 
            $this->orderBy = null; 
        if ($this->groupBy) { 
            $this->sql .= $this->groupBy; 
            $this->groupBy = null; 
        if ($this->limit) { 
            $this->sql .= $this->limit; 
            $this->limit = null; 
        $query = $this->query($this->sql)->fetch(parent::FETCH_ASSOC); 
        return $query['total']; 

     * Returns pagination start and limit values. 
     * @param 
     *            $totalRecord 
     * @param 
     *            $paginationLimit 
     * @param 
     *            $pageParamName 
     * @return array 
    public function pagination($totalRecord, $paginationLimit, $pageParamName) 
        $this->paginationLimit = $paginationLimit; 
        $this->page = isset($_GET[$pageParamName]) && is_numeric($_GET[$pageParamName]) ? $_GET[$pageParamName] : 1; 
        $this->totalRecord = $totalRecord; 
        $this->pageCount = ceil($this->totalRecord / $this->paginationLimit); 
        $start = ($this->page * $this->paginationLimit) - $this->paginationLimit; 
        return array( 
            'start' => $start, 
            'limit' => $this->paginationLimit 

     * Returns pagination 
     * @param 
     *            $url 
     * @return mixed 
    public function showPagination($url, $class = 'active') 
        if ($this->totalRecord > $this->paginationLimit) { 
            for ($i = $this->page - 5; $i < $this->page + 5 + 1; $i ++) { 
                if ($i > 0 && $i <= $this->pageCount) { 
                    $this->html .= '<li class="'; 
                    $this->html .= ($i == $this->page ? $class : null); 
                    $this->html .= '"><a href="' . str_replace('[page]', $i, $url) . '">' . $i . '</a>'; 
            return $this->html; 

     * Returns next page at pagination operation. 
     * @return bool 
    public function nextPage() 
        return ($this->page + 1 < $this->pageCount ? $this->page + 1 : $this->pageCount); 

     * Returns previous page at pagination operation. 
     * @return bool 
    public function prevPage() 
        return ($this->page - 1 > 0 ? $this->page - 1 : 1); 

     * Returns SQL query as string. 
     * @return mixed 
    public function getSqlString() 
        return $this->sql; 
require_once "BasicDB.php"; 
require_once "config.php"; 
if($_SESSION["giris"] == false){ 
    header("********: giris-yap"); 
    die("Yönlendirme sırasında bir hata oluştu!"); 
require_once "fonksiyon.php"; 
        <title>Ana Sayfa</title> 
        <h2>Hoşgeldin, <?=$bilgiler["ad"];?> <?=$bilgiler["soyad"];?></h2><hr> 
            <h3><a href="ana-sayfa">Anasayfa</a> - <a href="hesap-ayarlari">Hesap Ayarları</a> - <a href="cikis-yap">Çıkış Yap</a></h3> 
<tr><td>ID = <?=$bilgiler["id"];?></td></tr> 
<tr><td>Kullanıcı Adı = <?=$bilgiler["kullaniciadi"];?></td></tr> 
<tr><td>E-mail = <?=$bilgiler["email"];?></td></tr> 
<tr><td>Ad = <?=$bilgiler["ad"];?></td></tr> 
<tr><td>Soyad = <?=$bilgiler["soyad"];?></td></tr> 
<?php $db = new Erbilen\Database\BasicDB('localhost', 'dbname', 'dbuser', 'dbpass'); ?>
//Kullanıcı bilgilerini çek 
$uye_id = $_SESSION['id']; 
$bilgiler = $db->select('uyeler') 
            ->where('id', $uye_id) 
//Giriş yap 
    $dogrula = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM uyeler WHERE kullaniciadi=? AND sifre=?"); 
    $girisyap = $dogrula->fetch(); 
        $_SESSION["giris"] = "true"; 
        $_SESSION["id"] = @$girisyap["id"]; 
    }else { 
        echo "Kullanıcı adı veya parola hatalı!";  
//Kayıt ol 
if (isset($_POST['kayitol'])){ 
$ad = @$_POST["ad"]; 
$soyad = @$_POST["soyad"]; 
$kullaniciadi = @$_POST["kullaniciadi"]; 
$sifre = @$_POST["sifre"]; 
$email = @$_POST["email"]; 

$engelle = $db->select('uyeler') 
->where('kullaniciadi' , $_POST["kullaniciadi"]) 
     echo "Bu kullanıcı adına sahip üye mevcut!"; } else { 
$kayitol = $db->insert('uyeler') 
                 'ad' => $ad, 
                 'soyad' => $soyad, 
                 'kullaniciadi' => $kullaniciadi, 
                 'sifre' => $sifre, 
                 'email' => $email 

if ($kayitol){ 
        header("********:giris-yap"); }  

//Kayıt Güncelle 
if (isset($_POST['guncelle'])){ 
$ad = @$_POST["ad"]; 
$soyad = @$_POST["soyad"]; 
$kullaniciadi = @$_POST["kullaniciadi"]; 
$sifre = @$_POST["sifre"]; 
$email = @$_POST["email"]; 
$id = $_SESSION["id"]; 

$engelle2 = $db->select('uyeler') 
->where('kullaniciadi' , $_POST["kullaniciadi"]) 
     echo "Bu kullanıcı adına sahip üye mevcut!"; } else { 
$guncelle = $db->update('uyeler') 
            ->where('id', $id) 
                 'ad' => $ad == '' ? $bilgiler["ad"] : $ad, 
                 'soyad' => $soyad == '' ? $bilgiler["soyad"] : $soyad, 
                 'kullaniciadi' => $kullaniciadi == '' ? $bilgiler["kullaniciadi"] : $kullaniciadi, 
                 'sifre' => $sifre == '' ? $bilgiler["sifre"] : $sifre, 
                 'email' => $email == '' ? $bilgiler["email"] : $email 
if ($guncelle){ 
        header("********:ana-sayfa"); }  

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